
Lifetime Warranty

You should rest easy with the confidence that Slumberfy products are made with the highest quality materials. In fact, we are so dedicated to making products of uncompromising durability all of our products come with a Lifetime warranty. If you feel that your Slumberfy product does not meet our quality standards and your usage is compliant with the five conditions listed below, you can send back your product for a refund (minus shipping) or an exchange.


  1. The product must be laundered in accordance with the washing instructions that are attached to the product.  
  2. The product cannot show any fire damage. 
  3. The product must show normal wear and tear. Damage from sharp utensils such as knives, scissors or the like will void the product warranty. 
  4. Although we are pet lovers ourselves, the product cannot show damage from a pet’s jaws or paws.
  5. The product must be purchased at a Slumberfy authorized retailer. If the product was purchased on Amazon you must make sure that the seller’s name was “Slumberfy.”

For instructions on how to activate your warranty click here

30-Night Trial

Your satisfaction is important to us. At Slumberfy, we stand behind our products, that's why we offer a 30-Night risk-free trial. If a Slumberfy product does not meet your complete satisfaction within our trial period, return it for a refund - No questions asked. To return your Slumberfy product click here.